Sunday, May 31, 2009

68 Traffic Generation Techniques

Traffic is the key to success of any blog and blogger. It is the measure of success of a blog. One of the greatest advices that I usually give to other bloggers is- "Be involved in building traffic first. Everything else come along with traffic."

No matter what your objectives as a blogger are, you have to think in terms of traffic and visitors. In today's post I will tell you 68 traffic generation techniques that I learned while blogging.Here is the list-

  1. Do a solid keyword research before writing your posts.
  2. Use your primary keyword in title
  3. Use your secondary keywords in subtitles.
  4. Use all your keywords throughout your content.
  5. Build links for each of your posts with your keywords in anchor text.
  6. Build some more links.
  7. Write articles in other people's Ezines.
  8. Write and submit articles in top article directories.
  9. Build a very useful lens at
  10. Build a useful hub at
  11. Submit your blog in top web directories like Dmoz and Yahoo directory.
  12. Write useful and unique content.
  13. Write some more.
  14. Write list type posts.
  15. Write about Obama.
  16. Tag your posts.
  17. Be first to mention an update or an interesting news.
  18. Even better. Be first and best to write about an update or an interesting news.
  19. Write controversial but well backed posts.
  20. Run contests on your blog.
  21. Request other bloggers to announce your contest.
  22. Be active on StumbleUpon
  23. Submit your own top posts to StumbleUpon
  24. Exchange stumbles with other fellow stumblers
  25. Submit your pages in Digg and Reddit
  26. Start Twittering at
  27. Twitter more.
  28. Answer questions in Yahoo answers with a link back to your related posts.
  29. Answer questions in with a link back to your related posts.
  30. Answer questions in with a link back to your related posts.
  31. Leave some useful and unique comments on other blogs of your niche.
  32. Make your comments attention grabbing stuff.
  33. Make use of trackbacks.
  34. Be a guest-poster in a bigger blog of your niche.
  35. Do some more guest posting.
  36. Network with other fellow bloggers.
  37. Announce your new blogs from your existing related blog.
  38. Exchange posts with like minded fellow bloggers.
  39. Be active in well trafficked forums in your niche.
  40. Leave your link in signature in forums.
  41. Be helpful and ask questions in forum.
  42. Write unique articles in forums.
  43. Give a viral ebook for free with free give away rights.
  44. Place a "tell a friend" script at the bottom of your posts.
  45. Give away free ebooks to some one who uses "tell a friend" script.
  46. Be active in google groups. Ask questions and answer questions.
  47. Be active in Yahoo groups
  48. Be active in MSN groups.
  49. Make some useful microblogs and funnel traffic to your main blog from micro blogs.
  50. Make friends at BlogCatalog.
  51. Join some groups at BlogCatalog and be active there.
  52. Make friends at Mybloglog.
  53. Tell other bloggers about a top post or great post you have written.
  54. Research and make free reports .
  55. Distribute those reports for free and mail it to fellow bloggers.
  56. Upload some interesting photographs in flickr with link back to your blog in description.
  57. Make some interesting videos and upload them on Youtube.
  58. Upload those videos to Google videos and Metacafe as well.
  59. Ask your readers to bookmark your posts (No ask no gain.)
  60. Make wordpress templates.
  61. Make use of press releases to announce your blog or contests or anything else worth aqnnouncing.
  62. Build lists using Aweber.
  63. Giveaway free ebooks to those who subscribes to your newsletter.
  64. Interview fellow top bloggers in your niche.
  65. Create viral softwares and tool.
  66. Take part in webinars.
  67. Write post about what you learned in a webinar.
  68. Network through Myspace.



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