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Friday, April 24, 2009

Knowledge Implementation Framework

You can use this framework as a guideline to implement KM in your organisation. I would like to here some comments on the framework or any suggestion or add up to it.



Knowledge Management Issues in Public Sector

[The Malaysian Environment] Apply to Any Organisation.

There are a number of key issues surrounding the implementation of KM in public sector. Beckman (1999) commented that there are some concerns among practitioners that KM might experience the same fate as past management paradigms such as artificial intelligence, business re-engineering and total quality management as problems and issues have to be resolved quickly enough before people loose interest.

What we should know before the idea of the implementations are:
  1. measurement of the KM readiness in the organisation
  2. study what is the knowledge management success factors in the organisation
  3. find out what is the level of understanding on KM from Up to bottom and;
  4. get the holistic view of the organisation behaviour

Someone might argue that the organisational profile, approach and practice, drivers and technology resources are the main factor or the contributor to the implementation and readiness, the answer is yes but, this is not all about the factor rether this is about the successful antecedent to the implementation itself.



The Challenge in Knowledge Management

The challenge of knowledge management can be best viewed as three-fold:
  1. the management of explicit knowledge using techniques such as those used in the discipline of information resources management;
  2. creating the environment in which people can develop and share knowledge; a common approach for this is that of “communities of practice”.
  3. the conversion of tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge
p/s: the issues of culture, leadership, infostructure, governance and etc will be add on to this...



Explicit and Tacit Knowledge

There are many types and forms of knowledge e.g. facts, know-how, specific skills, procedural knowledge etc. A common portrayal is that of a knowledge hierarchy that goes from data (facts and figures) to information (data + interpretation) to knowledge (information + used) to wisdom or intelligence (knowledge with insight). For practical purposes the most important distinction is that between explicit and tacit knowledge, a distinction first elaborated in some detail by Michael Polyani.

According to Nonaka and Takeuchi explicit knowledge is that which:

“can be expressed in words and numbers and can be easily communicated and shared in the form of hard data, scientific formulae, codified procedures or universal principles”

whereas tacit knowledge is:

“highly personal and hard to formalize. Subjective insights, intuitions and hunches fall into this category of knowledge.”

Thus, explicit knowledge (or information) in organisations is typically found in documents and databases, while tacit knowledge is that which is in the heads of people. Many knowledge management programmes have over-emphasized the approach of converting tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge. This approach has generally proved futile, since no database can replicate the years of experience of a knowledgeable individual or know (through judgement) which information to apply in a specific situation. The best that can be done in most cases is to make some tacit knowledge explicit, and provide pointers to the experts who will be able to put such knowledge into context and help those wanting to apply it.



Knowledge Management Slides Presentation

For those who what my slide presentation but forget to get it form the PC, i have make it available for you, please use it, modify and dicussed (teach) with others.



Some Fact to Share With You - All

This videos is about what had happened and whats is still happening...did you believe that the top 10 in demand jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004....what cause all this.

This is the knowledge revolution!



MTCP Knowledge Management 2009

The Activities (Videos)

Assemble PC

Wolf Whistle

Playing Guitar

I don't have the making pizza video and would love to have it, can someone please upload it, or share it with me...thank you guys.



MTCP Knowledge Management 2009

One of the Socialization ( Tacit to Tacit) Technique.

On the 20th and 21st of April 2009, the National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN) has conducted a Knowledge Management Workshop for MTCP participant.

The MTCP was established in 1980, to promote and facilitate technical assistance to participating developing countries. The programme consolidates various forms of thchnical cooperation in areas where Malaysia has the experience and expertise. The MTCP implemented by INTAN is based on the fact that the development of a country depends on the quality of its human resources. Such human resouces quality can be best be achieved through training. Presently, the MTCP covers 136 developing countries. A total of 3,181 participants have been trained under the programme at INTAN

Above are some of the training photos. I wish you all (the participant) the best and have a safe journey home but remember what i said. KM is a journey and the need to sharing knowledge is very crucial. I invited you'll to participate in my blog to exchange ideas and even to continue our discussion here in my 'knowledge asset blog'.

I still remember Ahmed, Alfred (active participant), Muhsin, Nagla, Paul (Penghulu), Yati (Pizza), Khu, Izzani, Zakaria, Setho (our MC), James, Phou, Nasiba, Nan, Namgay, Merriam and many more...for those who i did not mention the name....don't think that i don't remember you...you are all in my TACIT knowledge :)

INTAN can be contacted through www.intanbk.intan.my



Definition of Knowledge Management

There are numerous definitions of knowledge management. The following definition is based on a synthesis of case material and interviews with Chief Knowledge Officers:

“the explicit and systematic management of vital knowledge and its associated processes of creating, gathering, organizing, diffusion, use and exploitation, in pursuit of organisational objectives.”

The underlined words are important:
  • Explicit - unless something is made explicit it frequently does not get properly managed. Thus, although some management of knowledge is found in virtually every organisation, including small and medium-sized enterprises, its benefits are only consistently realized if it is explicitly managed.
  • Systematic - this helps create consistency of methods and the diffusion of good practice. Systematization also lends itself to automation, leading to additional efficiencies in handling explicit knowledge.
  • Vital - every conversation and every new document in an organisation adds to the organisation’s knowledge pool. Judgement must be applied as to which knowledge is critical, and therefore worth managing in a more formalized way.
  • Processes - as well as being an important dimension of management and business processes, knowledge processes are important in their own right.

The main processes are knowledge sharing (of existing knowledge), knowledge creation and knowledge conversion (innovation).



What is Information?

Many people are confuse between data, information and knowledge. I give an example for that, If you look at a traffic light, there is three(3) colour which is Read, Yellow and Green. The three(3) colour is simply a Data, but for those who know the meaning of the colour which is Red=Stop, Yellow=Standby(Danger) and Green=You Can Go Now, then the meaning of the colour is the Information.

In a formula form. Information=Data + Interpretation (Human)



What is Knowledge?

Think of an Internet Library, Google for example. All the information you might require is packed onto its databases. That information will stay on the database, quite useless unless it is used. Once used by being comprehended by a surfers and, by that surfers, added to all of the other information and experience that the surfers has build-up in life - it becomes knowledge.

Knowledge is not information and it is not data. Knowledge is what is KNOWN.

In a formula form. Knowledge = Information +Used (Human)



Outcomes of Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management is not itself a goal, it is a tool that enables organisations to operate efficiently and must be aligned to an oragnisation's strategic focus. Knowledge Management (generally referred to as "KM") can enhance an organisation's effectiveness by:
  • Promoting innovation by encouraging staff to share ideas;
  • Facilitating the flow of ideas within an organisation;
  • Improving customer service through improved response time;
  • Streamlining operation and reducing costs through the elimination of redundant or unnecessary processes; and
  • Improving staff retention rates by recognising the value of employee’s knowledge and rewarding it.


Start Up-Knowledge

In most organisations there are two types of knowledge assets. The first is information that the organisations hold and this can include business plans, client’s lists and databases. As a good rule of thumb this information can be stored either electronically or on paper.

The second and much more elusive asset is the skills, knowledge and experience that is in the heads of employees, which is offer the most valuable asset that an organisation holds. The major difficulty with unlocking this value is to work out an effective methodology to recognize, generate, share and manage that knowledge.

This blog has been developed to assist organisation/individual or groups to identify the knowledge based assets and strategies for sharing that knowledge across the organisation
