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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Knowledge Management Terms

Knowledge Generation
Knowledge generation includes all activities which bring to light knowledge which is "new," whether to the individual, to the group, or to the world. It includes activities such as creation, acquisition, synthesis, fusion, and adaptation.

Knowledge Condification
Knowledge codification is the capture and representation of knowledge so that it can be re-used either by an individual or by an organization.

Knowledge Transfer
Knowledge transfer involves the movement of knowledge from one location to another and its subsequent absorption.

Knowledge Management Tools
Knowledge management tools are technologies, broadly defined, which enhance and enable knowledge generation, codification, and transfer.

"Generation, codification, and transfer all occur constantly, so management itself does not create these actions. The power of knowledge management is in allowing organizations to explicitly enable and enhance the productivity of these activities and to leverage their value for the group as well as for the individual."

Tools for Knowledge Management: ‘Web Enabled Tools’

There are a vast number of information technology tools available that can potentially support knowledge management. I have compile a list of some Web-based information technology tools that can be used in knowledge management. In my opinion many ICT solution company will present us with a rich set of a new tools for managing knowledge. I only emphasis on the Web-based knowledge management tools by assuming Web offers a very powerful platform for supporting all stages of knowledge management.

The tools are presented in alphabetical order and refers to a wide range of Web or Web enabled tools. Some of these tools are basic e-mail or e-mail filtering tools some are tools for document management while others are sophisticated tools for building Intranets and analyzing their structure and performance.

In the listing below we have used the Ernst and Young categories of the activities involved in knowledge management to give an initial ‘cut’ at the capabilities of each of the following tools. As a further refinement the following categories of tools have been identified:

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Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Management

Strategies for knowledge sharing and knowledge management must be implemented in tandem to be effective. Knowledge sharing is the fundamental component of Knowledge Management strategies, programmes and processes. A sound of knowledge sharing will enables better achievements of goals effective and efficient sharing of information and knowledge. Planned knowledge sharing will help to ensure that the lessons and other information gathered through knowledge management activities are packaged and disseminated or used in ways that are appropriate to the target audiences, and which deliver the highest impact for resources invested.

Why Knowledge Sharing?

Knowledge sharing is more than disseminating information and knowledge, it also about fostering social awareness and facilitating communication and brainstorming in the organization. It is about contributing to building a shared understanding that can lead to change. Knowledge sharing can also strengthen organization programmes and activities by supporting participation of all individuals in the organization and by promoting greater awareness and understanding organizational vision and mission. By ensuring that all individuals in the organization are fully informed and engaged, knowledge sharing strategies can also reinforce organizational ownership supported activities.
More specifically, knowledge sharing will improve the effectiveness of Knowledge Management programmes by:

1. Supporting participation and empowerment of those people most affected by organization programmes and activities
2. Providing channels for people to have their perspectives heard, assessed and incorporated into the programmes
3. Informing all stakeholders of organization strategy
4. Building and strengthening relationship
5. Helping Knowledge Management teams advocate and influence decision-makers at all levels
6. Communicating results and impact
7. Ensuring that lessons and best practices emerging during activities and programmes are packaged and shared in formats and through channels appropriate to the various target audiences

All of these objectives can be met by well-targeted knowledge sharing strategies.