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Monday, May 25, 2009


What is PMBOK?

PMBOK = Project Management Body of Knowledge, it is a guidebook. The PMBOK is an inclusive term that describes the sum of knowledge within the profession on project management. As with other professions such as law, medicine, accounting and others, the body of knowledge rests with the practitioners and academics who apply and advance it.

Download or view the 'book' here


Trainer Profile

Megat Zainurul Anuar bin Megat Johari

Megat Zainurul Anuar bin Megat Johari is uniquely positioned between the business technology and career education worlds. After graduating from MARA University (UiTM) he concentrates on the information communication technology field and has achieved success in his own career. In addition as a regular blogger (http://megatportfolio.blogspot.com) he tracks over 40 industry blogs related to venture capital, technology, and marketing strategy in order to stay current on this dynamic industry.

Megat is actively involve in promoting 'Open Source Software (OSS)' Implementation in Malaysia through collaboration with United Nation Development Programme (UNDP-IOSN), National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN), Open University Malaysia, Asia e University and Open Source Competency Centre (MAMPU-OSCC) Malaysia. He has successfully organize three(3) events on 'Asia Open Source Software-Master Trainer' in Malaysia, two(2) events on LPI Certification with United Nation Development Programme (International Open Source Network) and many others with local universities in Malaysia.

In the international arena, Megat has involved as a trainer in the 'Train the Trainer' at Asia e University (www.aeu.edu.my) to train the delegates form Indonesia on the 'Information Security Management' and other related fields. In the year 2007,2008 and April 2009 he is actively involved as a trainer in the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme(MTCP) which was held in the National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN) to train the MTCP participant from various countries in the field of 'Knowledge Management, Open Source Implementation (Using Content Management System) and Project Management.

In the Year 2010 he is appointed as one of the consultant to United Nations University - International Institute for Global Health for the development of the e-content development, e-learning application, system analysis and e-learning programme.

Megat also has an extensive track record of working on new approaches to career development in public and government sector. He is currently attached with Dreamsoft (M) Sdn Bhd (http://www.thedreamsoft.com) as a 'New Media' director and collaborated with EDG Corporation to create the training and development for ICT and business organization. Megat’s experience as a board member, mentor, adviser and speaker for EDG Corporation 'Entrepreneur Development' program—which is a based program aimed at mentoring, coaching and educating young people with an interest in business. He has also given several talks to universities, public sector employees on Knowledge Management, Career Development, Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship.


Newspaper Ref: METRO 17-04-2010, Mukasurat 52.
Newspaper Online Ref: http://www.hmetro.com.my/articles/Peluangkukuhjaringanniaga/Article/

Project Initiation

project initiation
1st phase in the Project Management Life Cycle

5 steps to project initiation
  • business case
  • feasibility study
  • project charter
  • job description
  • project office checklist -phase review form (initiation)

Introduction Project Management

What You Should Know

1. what is a project: project characteristics
  • Temporary: means that every project has a definite beginning and a definite end.
  • Unique Products, Services or Results: A projects creates unique output, which are products, services or results.
  • Progressive Elaboration: means developing in stages and continuing by increments.
2. projects vs. operational work
  • Projects and operations differ primarily in that operations are ongoing and repetitive, while projects are temporary and unique
3. what is project management
  • project management is the application of: Knowledge, skills, tools and technique to project activities. [Initiation, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and Controlling and Closing]
4. project life cycle
Project Life Cycle defines the phases that connect the beginning of a project to its end.
PLC inputs:
  • what technical work to do in each phase
  • when the output are to be generated in each phase
  • who is involved in each phases
  • how to control and approve each phases
5. project stakeholder
Stakeholders are the people involved in or affected by project activities.
  • Project sponsor
  • Project manager
  • Project team
  • Support staff
  • Customers
  • Users
  • Suppliers
6. triple constrain : time + scope + cost

Pengurusan Projek Berkualiti-PBT Kedah 2009

HARI PERTAMA - 27 Mei 2009
Taklimat dan Perasmian Kursus oleh: En. Wan Azwar bin Dato’ Wan Annuar
What is Project
What is Project Management
Story: Why project fail?
Understanding Project Life Cycle [IPEM C]
Understanding Project Stakeholders
Exercise: Stakeholder Analysis
21st Project Management [Triple Constraint]
- Technique: Creative Thinking
- Brain Exercise
Group Presentation

HARI KEDUA - 28 Mei 2009
Project Initiation
- Project Charter ,Project Scope and Project Proposal.
Group Discussion and Exercise
- Project Charter and Project Scope
Project Visit-MBPJ / MPSJ / Putrajaya / MBSA
Project Visit Continue

- 29 Mei 2009
Group Presentation
Lesson Learn- Project Visit
Group Discussion and Presentation
Majlis Penutup dan Makan Tengahari