Strategies for knowledge sharing and knowledge management must be implemented in tandem to be effective. Knowledge sharing is the fundamental component of Knowledge Management strategies, programmes and processes. A sound of knowledge sharing will enables better achievements of goals effective and efficient sharing of information and knowledge. Planned knowledge sharing will help to ensure that the lessons and other information gathered through knowledge management activities are packaged and disseminated or used in ways that are appropriate to the target audiences, and which deliver the highest impact for resources invested.
Why Knowledge Sharing?
Knowledge sharing is more than disseminating information and knowledge, it also about fostering social awareness and facilitating communication and brainstorming in the organization. It is about contributing to building a shared understanding that can lead to change. Knowledge sharing can also strengthen organization programmes and activities by supporting participation of all individuals in the organization and by promoting greater awareness and understanding organizational vision and mission. By ensuring that all individuals in the organization are fully informed and engaged, knowledge sharing strategies can also reinforce organizational ownership supported activities.
More specifically, knowledge sharing will improve the effectiveness of Knowledge Management programmes by:
1. Supporting participation and empowerment of those people most affected by organization programmes and activities
2. Providing channels for people to have their perspectives heard, assessed and incorporated into the programmes
3. Informing all stakeholders of organization strategy
4. Building and strengthening relationship
5. Helping Knowledge Management teams advocate and influence decision-makers at all levels
6. Communicating results and impact
7. Ensuring that lessons and best practices emerging during activities and programmes are packaged and shared in formats and through channels appropriate to the various target audiences
All of these objectives can be met by well-targeted knowledge sharing strategies.
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