Thursday, October 21, 2010

Self Development-Goal Setting

Salam all,

If you know that you can do more with your life, but struggle with the means of acquisition, consider your goal setting skills. By learning to effectively set goals, you are taking the first step to a happy, more productive life that is fulfilling. Once you learn how to set goals, moving into the ability to commit to those goals and seeing them through to completion will enable you to experience the many benefits of goal setting, and the general success that you want!

Goal setting is a powerful way of motivating people. In fact, goal setting theory is generally accepted as among the most valid and useful motivation theories in industrial and organizational psychology, human resource management, and organizational behavior. Locke's research showed that there was a relationship between how difficult and specific a goal was and people's performance of a task. He found that specific and difficult goals led to better task performance than vague or easy goals.

Telling someone to "Try hard" or "Do your best" is less effective than "Try to get more than 80% correct" or "Concentrate on beating your best time." Likewise, having a goal that's too easy is not a motivating force. Hard goals are more motivating than easy goals, because it's much more of an accomplishment to achieve something that you have to work for. A few years after Locke published his article, another researcher, Dr Gary Latham, studied the effect of goal setting in the workplace. His results supported exactly what Locke had found, and the inseparable link between goal setting and workplace performance was formed.

'Life With a Purpose'


1 comment:

  1. a very good guidelines...i supposed to realize about goal setting earlier...but hopefully, still not too late for me to make a change...
