thanks to Mohd Iswan for asking....
There are many different roles in addressing a full business solution.The roles in the team will depend on the nature of the project. So the team structure will probably be adjusted according to the size and working arrangement to meet the evolving nature of the project. Here are some common project roles along with a brief explanation:
Project Sponsor:
The person who saw a need for change and had the authority to make something happen. There may be several sponsors who collectively have this role. It may be that even higher authority and support is required such that others should also be drawn into this role.
Project Director:
The person with genuine executive authority over the project. The Project Director has full accountability and responsibility for the project's success, and has the power to make all decisions, subject to oversight by the executive bodies.
Executive Committee:
A body of people representing the overall executive authority of the organisation. This might, indeed, be the Board of Directors, or it could be a delegated sub-committee of the Board
Steering Committee or Project Board:
The group of people charged with regular oversight of the project. Collectively they should represent all significant areas of participation in the project and they should have authority to take decisions on behalf of those areas. Members would typically be departmental heads, Vice Presidents, or Directors, along with external representatives. The Project Director and Project Manager would normally report to the Steering Committee.
Project Manager:
The person with day-to-day responsibility for the conduct and success of the project. The Project Manager would normally have control over all project resources.
Project Office Manager/ Staff:
The "Project Office" provides supporting shared services to the Project Manager and to the overall Project Team. Often this function has a manager plus support staff. Typical responsibilities include controlling and tracking the detailed plan, managing documentation, preparing reports, etc. It may also be the place to house part-time specialists supporting the team, for example, a Training Designer.
Project Accountant:
A large project may require its own accountant to deal with procurement, sub-contractor expenditure, joint venture accounting, progress tracking and financial reporting etc.
Team Leader:
Typically the project will be divided into various sub-teams - each with its own Team Leader. Team Leaders would be responsible for the management and coaching of that sub-team. They may also have responsibility for managing and tracking the detailed sub-plan for their team.
There are more actually.... (again according to the size of the project)
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10 years ago
Bagaimana prospek kerjaya sebagai projek manager?Adakah pengalaman menjadi syarat utama untuk memohon kerja sbg projek manager?thanks...
ReplyDeleteSalam..Project Manager merupakan org yg b'tggungjwb mengawal sesuatu project, bermulanya project itu sehingga berakhirnya project itu..Ianya melibatkan pecahan kerja yg diketuai oleh Team Leader..Daripada itu kerja seorg Project Manager merupakan kerja yg sgt sibuk dan memerlukan pembantu..Adakah seorg Project Manager itu memerlukan Assistant Project Manager?..Jika perlu berapa org kebiasaannya diperlukan?..Dan dlm masa yg sama bolehkah Project Manager itu mengendali atau mengawal project lebih daripada 1 project dlm 1 masa?..Sekian
ReplyDeleteAhmad Eziwan...
ReplyDeleteUntuk menjadi 'Projek Manager (PM)' of course pengalaman menguruskan projek adalah amat perlu, tapi masih ada ruang untuk Junior Project Manager.
kz amir..
kalau banyak projek besar (Mega Project) atau untuk menguruskan banyak projek, adalah menjadi satu keperluan untuk mempunyai 'assistant' tetapi selalunya PMO atau Project Management Office sudah cukup.
Seorang Project Manager BOLEH mengendalikan lebih dari satu projek didalam satu masa dan ini sudah biasa berlaku.