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Sunday, October 21, 2012

100 Kegunaan Stokin

100 Kegunaan Stokin

Bengkel: Strategik Thinking and Problem Solving
Tarikh: 19-21 Oktober 2012
Tempat: Hotel Seri Malaysia Bagan Lalang
Peserta: Perkhidmatan Farmasi Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Selangor

Day 1: The Basic
-function of the brain
-creative thinking
-lateral thinking
-logical thinking
-critical thinking
-divergent thinking
-convergent thinking
-problem solving

Day 2: The Creativity, Innovation & Problem Solving
- Spark Your Creativity 'Home Sweet Home'
- Using Creative Tools ' TESCO Trolly'
- Understanding Innovation - Acid Test
- Problem Solving and 'Root Cause'
+ understand the concept of feedback and feedforward
+ understand the root couse

Day 3: Idea Generation
- Differentiate between Fact and Trick
- Challenge Your Brain (100 ideas)
-Brainstorming at (Individual level, small group level and big group level)
-The Thinking Toolbox
+Edward De Bono 6 Thinking Hat
+Brain Circle
+Ishikawa Diagram
+Divergent and Convergent
+Problem Breakdown Structure
+Webbing (How and What)
- Bloom Taxonomy

100 Kegunaan Stokin
Dari bengkel: Strategic Thinking and Problem Solving, 19-21 Oktober 2012- Kumpulan Farmasi Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Selangor

Monday, October 15, 2012

Why your computer running slow? and how to know what process is running on your hard drive

Option : how to use other software to killing your process in computer

Your computer responds slowly as the process overloads the physical limitations of your drive. What are you to do?   How stop the process that is killing your drive.  There are two methods and tools that you can use to identify the process.

Method 1 :

Step 1 : Click on the Start Button and key in perfmon.exe , press Enter.  The windows will be pop up.

Step 2 : On the overview screen click Open Resource Monitor, window will be pop up. 

Step 3 : Click on the Disk section. You can see a list of all processes and the files are writing or reading from your drives. 

Step 4 : Click on the Read, You can see sort all disk operations to identify which process and file is currently using the disk the most high

Method 2 :

Step 1 : Download process exploxer here

Step 2 :  Open folder and click Run

Step 3 : You want to killing the process and identify in your hard driver and see what the process with the higher numbers

NOTE : Make sure you does not delete Software from windows

No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur 


Friday, October 12, 2012

Create a System Repair/Recovery Disc

New in Windows 7 is the ability to create a system repair CD that will help you recover your computer from serious errors preventing windows from starting up.
If you have a Windows 7 installation disc, that doubles as a repair disc so you don’t need another. This article is only useful for users that have Windows 7 pre-installed and did not receive the installation media with their computer.

  • Creating the disc is very simple. Just click on the start button and type in recdisc.exe and press Enter.

  • Once started, put in a CD-R or CD-RW into your burner and click Start Burning

No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur

How long will Microsoft support Windows 7?

Mr Redzuan(Pakar Pc's Customer) asked when Microsoft will stop supporting Windows 7. "Some say the end date is 2015, others say…2020. So what's the right answer?"

Both answers are right. Microsoft will stop mainstream support on January 12, 2015. But the company will keep providing extended support until January 14, 2020.

"Well, thank you," you're probably saying. "That's as clear as a new industry acronym."

Let Pakar PC explain:

Through January 12, 2015, Microsoft will provide the same complete support you have today. You'll receive both security and non-security updates. Your warranty claims will be considered and possibly honored. If your license came with no-charge incident support (yes, it exists), you'll continue to receive it. Microsoft may even add features and change the design (but not, I hope, removing the Start menu).

But in 2015, Windows 7 will go onto extended support, which just covers the basics. You'll still receive free security updates, but non-security-related hotfixes will only be available on a paid subscription--and you'll have to start the subscription before April 15, 2015 (if you live in the USA, that's a date with unpleasant associations in any year). There will be no free support, Microsoft won't honor warranty claims, and the company will not add new features.

By the way, XP's mainstream support ended on April 14, 2009; Vista's ended on April 12 of this year. So if you're satisfied with the support you're getting on this operating systems, you probably won't have much to worry about with Windows 7 for another seven years.

For what it's worth, XP's extended support ends on April 8, 2014. Vista's will end on on April 11, 2017.

No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur

Thursday, October 11, 2012

How to burn ISO images to CDs or DVDs in Windows 7 without software

What is ISO
An ISO image (International Organization for Standardization) is an archive file (also known as a disk image) of an optical disc, composed of the data contents of every written sector of an optical disc, including the optical disc file system.[1] ISO images can be created from optical discs or from a collection of files by image creation software; images can be used to write optical discs. Software distributed on bootable discs is often available for download in ISO image format, and used to write a CD or DVD. ISO image files often have a file extension of .iso.

How to Burn to ISO
Just double-click the ISO image, choose the drive with the blank disc, click Burn and watch as your disc is created.

No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How to Solve Site Security Certificate Expired in Browser

There were two cause for this:
1. If it's caused by bugs or hijackers. you can use software to solve it.
2. It can also caused by 'weak computer battery that has adjusted your computer time somewhere in the future.

Symptom: If the date and time is adjusted to the different zone (i.e to the future)

date & time : ok - cause by hijackers
date & time : changes - cause by bugs or;
date & time : changes - battery

Question: How to solve this ?
Answer: Adjust your time and date to the current date (as sample below)

SSL did not permit to enter https://gmail.com (ssl site)

Time has been adjusted by 'bugs' somewhere to the future

No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Kill Processes from Command Prompt

I'm sure you are familiar with the traditional way to kill or end a process in Windows using Task Manager.  This method is effective but not nearly as fun as killing a process in Command Prompt.  Additionally, killing processes in Command Prompt provides much more control and the ability to end multiple processes at once.

All of this is possible with the TaskKill command.First, let's cover the basics.  You can kill a process by the process ID (PID).

First,you open cmd (command prompt).Then get the root.

Next,you can get result like this:
Second,type tasklist,then Enter  ( C:\>tasklist )
Open up an Administrative level Command Prompt and run tasklist to see all of the running processes:
Third, aim the page or program's running that you want to close.
Lastly,type taskill/PID (PID no that you aim)/f      ( C:\>Taskkill/PID xxx/f )
The /f flag is kills the process forcefully.

No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur 

Open Command Prompt From Any Folder

Here is a quick time saver that I use all the time:
  •  Hold down the Shift key and right click on any folder in Windows 7 and select Open command window here.
  •  A command prompt will open with the current directory set automatically.

No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur 


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

TDK Areal Density Breakthrough Paves Way for 6TB Hard Drives

SSDs may be leading the way on performance storage, but they still can’t compete with hard drives on price or level of storage per drive. And now TDK has pushed the bar even higher by increasing the areal density of its hard drives by 50%.

What TDK did was to employ a new magnetic head that uses thermal assist recording and a near-light field. Where as previously TDK had maxed out areal density at 1Tbit/inch2, this new head and associated tech increases that density to 1.5Tbits/inch2.

In real terms that means TDK can offer 1TB of storage per platter in a 2.5-inch hard drive, and 2TB of storage per platter in a 3.5-inch drive. That means we will see 1, 2, and 3 platter 3.5-inch hard drives offering 2TB, 4TB, and 6TB of storage respectively. 2.5-inch hard drives and the Ultrabook-friendly 7mm drives will also benefit from a stroage increase.

TDK will officially unveil its new hard drive technology during CEATEC Japan 2012, which starts today. Unfortunately, consumers won’t be able to get their hands on hard drives using the new thermal assisted magnetic head until 2014. However, it’s good to know the technology is there to take us to 6TB hard drives and possibly beyond.

Earlier this year Seagate broke through the 1 terabit barrier using HAMR technology debuted by TDK last year. HAMR is thought to scale up to 10Tbits/inch2 and suggests a 60TB hard drive is eventually possible. TDK’s new magnetic head is sure to aid in that quest, but looking at the short term it at least ensures we’ll get 6TB drives within the next two years.

No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur 

How To Speed up Flip 3D

Every single Windows Vista/7 presentation and demo I have seen has always included the new Flip 3D, alt+tab replacement. This is a cool feature that really helps you switch between windows when you have a lot open but for some, it can be a choppy experience.  If you have a low end graphics card you may experience dropped frames resulting in a choppy animation experience while flipping through your windows.  One easy way to make Flip 3D perform much better is to limit the number of windows it draws on your screen.

Follow the steps below to speed up Flip 3D on your computer:
  • Click on the Start Button, key in regedit and hit Enter.

Navigate through HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software, Microsoft, Windows and DWM.

Note: Full Path
DWM > Create a new DWORD and call it Max3DWindows.

Set the value of this to something between 4 and 9 depending on the performance of your card.

Note:Experiment with the values to find the best value for your hardware.

  • Restart the DWM interface by running net stop uxsms and net start uxsms at a administrative level command prompt.

net stop uxsms
net start uxsms
  • Alternatively, you can just reboot your computer.

No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur

Monday, October 1, 2012

How to Check Your Windows is 32 bit or 64 bit?

Windows 7
1. Click Start, click Control Panel, click System and Security, click System. The System type: line will give you the Operating System type: (as shown in the picture below)

Windows Vista
Method 1
1. Click Start, type system in the Start Search box, and then click system in the Programs list.
2. The operating system appears as follows:

  • For a 64-bit version operating system: 64-bit Operating System appears for the System type under System. 
  • For a 32-bit version operating system: 32-bit Operating System appears for the System type under System. 
Method 2
1. Click Start, type system in the Start Search box, and then click System Information in the Programs list.
2. The operating system appears as follows:

  • For a 64-bit version operating system: x64-based PC appears for the System type under Item. 
  • For a 32-bit version operating system: x86-based PC appears for the System type under Item.
Microsoft Windows XP Professional 
Method 1
1. Click Start, click Run, type sysdm.cpl, and then click OK.
2. Click the General tab. The operating system appears as follows:

  • For a 64-bit version operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Version < Year> appears under System. 
  • For a 32-bit version operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version< Year> appears under System. 

Method 2
1. Click Start, click Run, type winmsd.exe, and then click OK.
2. In the details pane, locate Processor under Item. Note the value.

  • If the value that corresponds to Processor starts with x86, the computer is running a 32-bit version of the Windows operating system. 
  • If the value that corresponds to Processor starts with ia64 or AMD64, the computer is running a 64-bit version of the Windows operating system. 

No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur 